The Thirty Third Degree
I believe that the time is ripe for a statement concerning this degree and the selection of those who receive it.
Why do we want the Thirty Third degree?
As I look upon the sparsely populated room that should be filled to near capacity with able-bodied, willing workers, I begin to wonder; where are the men who would be Masons who would embellish the Scottish Rite……..
Concerning the Thirty Third degree
The 33° is not a prize to be awarded based on favoritism. No more is it to be won as a result of successful lobbying or political scheming….
33* Disappointment or Opportunity
It is an inevitable consequence of the outcome of the honors bestowed by the Supreme Council, that some who were perhaps expecting recognition are passed over….
Sublime Prince – An Exceptional Title
When a Master Mason endeavors to improve himself in the craft and seek out more light, he oft times pursues knowledge from what has often been referred to as the “College of Freemasonry”…….
I Am - Scottish Rite
I stand in solidary with my brothers and, on my honor, pledge…..
Address to the new inspector
My Brother, As we have powerful enemies to contend with, we must endeavor so to regulate our
conduct, that we may not give just cause of offense to any one; that our wisdom may preserve us
from the machinations of the wicked….
The Scottish Rite: Is it calling you?
Often we are led to believe that once you obtain the Master Mason’s Degree, you
are on a par with any Brother Mason, anywhere across the globe. And while that
may be entirely correct…
Reasons to Attain the 32nd Degree
The degrees in Scottish Rite Masonry permanently fastens in the mind the basic principles of the order…….
The Moving Camp Podcast
The Moving Camp Podcast
The Moving Camp Podcast
Check out the new episode of “The Moving Camp Podcast” featuring our very own Deputy for the Orient of Ohio, S.G.I.G. Carl A. Williams 33°. The Deputy provided critical knowledge about the United Supreme Council’s Annual Session. The Orient of Ohio is on the move!
The Moving Camp Podcast
Check out past Illustrious Commander-in-
The Moving Camp Podcast
For Men’s Health Month (June), take a moment to watch the most recent episode of “The Moving Camp Podcast”.This should hit home for all, as we have a lot we can do to improve our health.
A great episode with S.G.I.G. Dr. Keith Melvin 33°, Director, USC Medical Department